Spoonageddon 17.02.2024
Mission Statement
Spoonageddon represents the third in our gaming groups event series, with strong a empathies in creating a hobby positive environment and fun gaming experience, we aim to bring together gamers into a community.
Welcome and thank you for the interest in our event
Ticket Price: £3
Date: Saturday 17th February
Time: 1000 - 1800
Number of games: 2
Location: Leodis Games – Unit 10, Springfield Mills, Bagley Ln, Farsley, Leeds LS28 5LY, United Kingdom
Any questions, no matter what they are can be answered, the email is woodenspoonwargaming@gmail.com or through wooden spoon wargaming on Instagram
BCP Registration link is here
What you will need to bring
Army 1500 points, - WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get)
Armies do not need to be fully painted for this event, but your points scoring ability will be affected
Army Books and any other points of reference you need to run your army
Dice and Tape measure
Printed copies of your army lists, any issues doing this please get in touch before the event
Objective markers
Doors open: 1000
Hellos and Registration: 1000-1020
Briefing: 1020
Game 1: 1025- 1300
Lunch: 1300-1330
Game 2: 1330-1600
Ending credits: 1615
Army Composition
Army size 1500 points
Painted to battle ready standard, No – but you will not gain the 10 points per game for a painted army
Legend units are allowed to be used at the event
There is a rule of 2 in affect for non battle line units
What needs to be on your army list:
All units within your army
Your warlord to be noted
Any enhancements given to characters
List submission is 15th february
The missions played are those from the Warhammer 40,000 10th edition
The WTC FAQ pack will be used, this can be found - here​
The awards on offer are:
Favourite Army Player based voting
Favourite army
Armies are to be placed out on tables at the lunch break so players can view all the armies, a paper slip will be given, and votes collected by the WSW team member​
​Get in touch before the event
We have our own discord server that is up and running, there is a channel already made for this event and waiting for you to come in and meet other people before the event and share your progress of your army getting ready for this show down, the link will be in the registration confirmation email
Social media
Discord link - https://discord.gg/fYAVvpd
We understand peoples need for privacy, we will endeavor not to publish anyone photos or names during the event or afterwards in any media produced to promote the event or Wooden Spoon Wargaming.
Food and Drink/ Venue details
If you have any food allergies that could put you are risk in a contact situation were to occur, please write this on the registration email reply
The Venue is the awesome Leodis Games - https://www.leodisgames.com/ This friendly local gaming store is an excellant place to game and add to your pile of potential
Third party/3d Printed
3rd Party parts are allowed to be used but completely 3d printed direct rip off’s of models that are produced by Games Workshop for the game of Warhammer 40,000 cannot be used.
If you would like to use a model ‘to count as’, ‘proxy’ please get in touch before the event